Autor: Jose Betancur

  • “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.”

    Steve Jobs ““Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.” What we meant by that was that when you first attack a problem it seems really simple because you don’t understand it. Then when you start to really understand it, you come up with these very complicated solutions because it’s really hairy. Most people stop there. But a…

  • Hay amores

    A veces nos enamoramos fugazmente y otras veces duran toda la vida. Selección Italiana Mundial 1982 Así me paso a mi con la selección italiana, la cual conocí durante el mundial de España en 1982, a mis cuatro años de edad, entre la emoción de ver a la mascota del mundial naranjito y una selección venida de…

  • Ser Feliz

    Photographer:Brad Stallcup El siguiente es un cuento Zen, no recuerdo el libro donde lo encontré: Érase un ratón que se hallaba en constante estrés por miedo al gato. Un mago se apiadó de él y lo transformó en un ágil felino. Pero, entonces, el pobre animal se empezó a asustar del perro. El mago, con…

  • ¿Cómo es el zen?

    Photographer:zhangkaiyv El siguiente cuento Zen es tomado del libro: El Zen y la Cultura Japonesa, del autor Daisetz Suzuki. Goso Hoyen ( ¿?-1104) de la dinastía Sung, nos cuenta la siguiente historia: “Si la gente me pregunta cómo es el zen, le diré que es como aprender el arte de robar. El hijo de un…

  • ¿Qué esta mal contigo?

    ¿Desde cuándo destruir es una forma de construir? Photographer: Kaique Rocha Es muy cultural, cada que ingresa alguien a liderar un proyecto nada de lo que se ha hecho hacia atrás sirve, lo he visto en Startups donde el nuevo arquitecto de desarrollo revisa lo que se ha hecho hasta el momento y decide que todo…

  • My Manifesto

    Some time ago I wrote “10 simple rules for life” (in spanish). These points that make up my manifesto. Starting with “Break out of your comfort zone” and ending with “Don’t take yourself too seriously.” These map became part of my general approach toward life.

  • Beware of the Concorde Fallacy

    When the economic viability of an adventure is uncertain going forward, any decision to continue should not base on what already spent; it has to be about the future progress. Concorde fallacythe idea that you should continue to spend money on a project, product, etc. in order not to waste the money or effort you…

  • The one trick to get better at Art

    Concert at the Golden Gate Park — Jose Betancur To become a better artist (writer, sketcher, painter, sculpture, etc.) you kind have to reject the idea that art is this merely emotion, passion or inspiration. You need let the notion of born to be an artist away. Art is no different than any another job, basically, artists are…

  • Art of Design Thinking

    A practical guide to have a successful Design Thinking Workshop Photographer:Startup Stock Photos Introduction We have heard several times the principle of “Failing fast and often” and many entrepreneurs associate it with Eric Rise’s Lean Startup methodology or the teachings of Steve Blank, however, the pioneer in this was Thomas Alba Edison, who made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts…

  • BrickStartup Weekly Newsletter

    A weekly curated list Recent issues 21 July 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 128 July 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 24 August 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week311 August 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 418 August 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 525 August 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 61 September 2017, Brick Startup Newsletter: week 79 September…